Welcome to Cor ad Cor
Cor ad Cor is taken from the motto of the 19th century leader of the Oxford Movement, Blessed John Henry Cardinal Newman. He chose ‘Cor ad Cor loquitur’ as his cardinal motto in 1897.
It translates as “heart speaks to heart”. In our society we equate “heart” with love. However, another derivation makes it clear it is associated with courage. The root of the word courage is cor—the Latin word for heart. In one of its earliest forms, the word courage had a very different definition than it does today. Courage originally meant “To speak one’s mind by telling all one’s heart.” This is at the heart of our organisation.
Our ‘Cor ad Cor’ is not about classic action hero courage but in the sense of speaking openly and honestly, professionally and personally, about who we are, how we are feeling and reaching out to others in our vulnerability and humanity.
We could have called ourselves Lionheart but that would miss an important element of Cor ad Cor - human interaction/ personal relationships and the giving of self. Heart speaking to heart.
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Our Services
Description text. Ullamcorper turpis, nec convallis metus nunc vel turpis. Augue justo ullamcorper turpis, nec convallis metus nunc vel turpis. Donec eu ornare augue, ut efficitur velit.
What Is a Fiduciary?
Description text. Donec eu ornare augue, ut efficitur velit ullamcorper. Ullamcorper turpis, nec convallis metus nunc vel turpis. Augue justo turpis, nec convallis metus nunc vel turpis.
Weekly Dispatches
Description text. Vestibulum et magna mattis, sollicitudin convallis ligula ac. Ullamcorper turpis, nec metus nunc vel ullamcorper turpis, turpis. Augue justo nec convallis metus nunc vel turpis.
Our Practice
Description text. Proin gravida ex id consectetur lobortis. Aliquam ornare, velit vel faucibus dapibus, augue justo ullamcorper turpis.
We take the stress out of financial planning. Proin gravida ex id consectetur lobortis. Aliquam ornare, velit vel faucibus dapibus, augue justo.
— Blandit Lectus
A Top 10 Service
Here is a description of what makes your company unique. Pellentesque habitant ulcit mori netus et malesuada netus et malesuada.